
 Hi everyone! My name is Kevalyn Boettner, I am a sophomore at The University of Tampa studying Advertising and Public Relations. I was born in Missouri, shortly after I moved to Japan, then Arkansas, Hawaii, and have lived in Ohio since the sixth grade. As you can assume I grew up with both of my parents in the military, definitely an experience I will forever be grateful for. Although the military lifestyle has shaped who I am today, I decided to go with the more traditional route and attend a four-year college instead. 

    Outside of academics I enjoy spending my time relaxing at the beach with my friends, going on shopping sprees with my momma, and going on long Bayshore walks in the morning before class. I'm also involved in extra circulars that UTampa provides, in which my favorite is my sorority Sigma Delta Tau. I often find myself running into my sisters on campus and engaging in a quick chat. I find that I value SDT so much because while I'm far from all of my family in Ohio, I always have someone that I can talk to that makes me feel loved and supports me just like my family at home. 

    I'm really excited to take FMX 210 because I think it's going to bring me many skills that are required in the field I want to pursue my career in. My dream job right now is to create the PR list for designer brands in the fashion industry. With that comes a lot of internships and working my way up, I hope to find an internship this summer that focuses on running a social media platform that goes hand in hand with digital media. I'm really excited to work with you all this semester and see how far we can push ourselves when it comes to creativity. 


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