Internet vs. WWW

    Essentially, the Internet is a global network that allows an endless amount of computers, phones, and other devices to connect. With the Internet, we are able to communicate and research information faster than ever before. We can thank hundreds of different scientists for getting us where we are today in our technology-savvy world but most importantly we can thank Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider (Lick.) In the 1960s Lick created the Internet, a platform that solely was created to allow people to be able to communicate in a quick fashion. I would say that the Internet's main purpose is still to allow quick communication but with the growing technology were able to do so much more with it. You can find almost anything on the Internet from how to cook lasagna, find out how tall your favorite celebrity is, and even resources that can help you be successful throughout your education. 

    With the Internet comes the World Wide Web; also known as WWW or W3. The World Wide Web is an interconnected system of public web pages that are easily accessible through the Internet. Though the WWW and Internet are not the same, the web is built on top of the Internet and is the most commonly used service's on the internet. Sir Tim Berners-Lee became the father and inventor of the WWW in 1989. As a child, he was very interested in his train set in his room which sparked his imagination and creativity that led him to, later on, create a computer out of an old television set. Berners-Lee realized there was a problem when it came to information storing on computers. With the WWW he was able to make sharing and saving information on computers more user-friendly instead of the old fashion way of saving things to one singular device. Today we use the WWW almost every day, an example is saving documents to Google Drive so we can continue to access the same document from multiple devices. 

    The Internet and WWW are very similar and work together very closely, thus they are not the same thing. To sum it up, the Internet is a global network of networks and we make use of it by building on top of its services. WWW comes in when interconnecting resources that are on the web using web pages. The first website that was ever created was by Tim Bernes-Lee himself and is still up for access. It can be reached through this URL ( 

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